Most companies, whether they be small, medium or large, like to encourage teamwork among their employees and departments. There are many different ways to stimulate positive team behavior using sporting events as a medium. Here at we are proud to present our many corporate clients with a really fun way to accomplish these goals.

If your event will be Miami based, we can certainly help to build effective workplace teams by organizing a fabulous afternoon racing event on sailboats on Biscayne Bay. We can provide up to 12 fully equipped sailing vessels with a max cap of 6 per boat. Each sailboat has its own captain and a knowledgeable crew member as required. We provide a power chase boat as required by the USCG.

Should accommodation for more guests be necessary, we can bring in some nice big catamarans to help out with the guest numbers and participate in the regatta as needed.

Participation and active competition by your associates can be as intense or as laid back as needed. We follow your instructions; some companies request us to ensure active participation by all “crew members” while others treat the exercise as more of a day on the water.

6 or fewer participants are assigned to each boat and the boats will race against each other and follow a simple course using floating buoys as markers. Depending on the time available, there can be more than one heat. Three heats is an ideal number. The whole exercise can take about 4 hours of good exercise, camaraderie, and some bracing sea air.

Certainly it’s a fun outdoorsy way to stimulate working in teams to accomplish goals. We ensure that all safety precautions are taken, our boats and captains are USCG approved.

Refreshments and catering to order and priced accordingly. We provide trophies and mementos of the occasion.

Volkswagen CAM & CAR Importers’ Conference

Miami Challenge Organized by
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